
$100.00 / year

“A lady” is really the best way to describe Amelia. Her face is the height of refinement: big eyes, a delicate nose, and best of all, a content expression that could melt the hardest of hearts. Amelia is super active, displaying bucket loads of attitude and spunk.

Amelia was four years old when she was brought to the Orangutan Care Centre & Quarantine in 2018. She was found abandoned and orphaned in a recently clear-cut piece of land in the Lamandau region of Central Kalimantan. Sadly, her background is one that is all too recurrent amongst young orangutans who find their way to our Care Centre. We don’t know how long she was kept in human captivity before being handed over to OFI. However, considering her abnormally small stature for her age, and the x-ray examinations which revealed an unusual curvature to the bones of her hands and arms, it is probable that she was kept in too small a cage, where she couldn’t stretch, for a long period of time. Upon arrival her hair was dry and thin, and her eyes were swollen, most likely from stress and sleep deprivation.

In the early days, Amelia retreated into herself, shrinking away from the outside world. She was a somewhat aloof figure, and it took time for her to open up. At first the infant playground was Amelia’s main stomping ground as she traversed barrels, ropes, and ladders in her daily “exercise” routine. She could be seen somewhere up on the swings, exploring on her own and watching other orangutans below. However Amelia has now settled in nicely into OFI’s Camp Danielle.

Payment Options

Via credit card or cheque:


click here to download our foster form
Then post or email to us – details at bottom of form.

Please make cheques payable to Orangutan Foundation International Australia.

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Foster Kit Details *

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  • By becoming an Orangutan Foster Parent, you will help care for the displaced and orphaned orangutans at the OFI Care Centre and Quarantine (OCCQ) facility, during their rehabilitation back to the wild.
  • As a Foster Parent you will contribute to providing the medical, dietary and emotional care that the orangutans need to thrive.
  • Standard Foster Kits are $100.00 each. Please add $15.00 postage if you would like your standard foster kit & 6-monthly updates posted to you. Please note – postal kits are only available within Australia.
  • Each Foster Kit includes an electronic kit about your orangutan including biographical information, a frameable certificate, photos and updates on their progress every six months.
  • Deluxe Foster Kit includes the standard Foster kit plus an Orangutan Plush Soft Toy and postage/handling

Watch the video below to see Amelia’s growth in stature and confidence since she first arrived at the OFI Care Centre.