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Home Page > Foster Updates > Holland > August 2021 – Holland

Holland … a bundle of energy and joy!

Holland is an orangutan who knows what she likes and isn’t afraid of expressing herself, especially if she doesn’t get her own way. By now it is a given that she likes holding her caregiver’s hands as the caregiver accompanies Holland to the forest. This makes Holland happy. If the caregiver tries to get out of this obligation Holland reprimands this negative behaviour. A gentle bite on the hand signals to her caregiver there is no choice in the matter. Once Holland has decided on something, then it’s final. (It’s such a burden having to look after these young orangutans sometimes. Not!)

Holland is a constant ball of energy bouncing around the Camp Danielle area. If she isn’t atop the tallest tree, she is down inspecting the ground finding insects and worms either in the soil itself or on fallen branches and sticks. Holland does everything you would expect an orangutan youngster to do, but in her own inimitable style. She grabs a fruit sack from one of her caregivers and makes her way to the rafters of the playground area. She holds the sack behind her like a superhero cape. With youth comes that feeling of invincibility. As if she has superpowers, Holland fearlessly rolls from the rafters of the playground head first onto the net below. This sends a few caregivers’ hearts racing but not Holland’s. She is a regular trapeze artist and bounds off to the next escapade. She hangs from the playground beams and stretches out to grab nearby long blades of grass before playing in a pool of water. Holland closes her eyes and lets the water drip from the grass over her face. Refreshing!

Holland always manages to fit in some time in to play with her friend Benjamine. The pair are always together or at least near each other. Holland continues to bring joy and light wherever she goes. The definite opposite of a burden!

Click here to download Holland’s August 2021 Foster Update