It feels like no time at all since our last update. Life goes on and Amelia has been keeping herself busy. It depends on her mood as to whether she will have an active or a slow day. We can predict, most of the time, what she will do. Amelia enjoys her routine and is a creature of habit.
Animals can be wild and unpredictable – but they can also be fairly consistent. Amelia consistently enjoys playing by herself and sticking close to the Camp Danielle playgrounds. She knows every nook and cranny of the playgrounds by now. She moves back and forth between them as often as she pleases. Amelia swings effortlessly from beam to beam and frequents the playground rafters. This is her happy place. She is a high society lady. Amelia hardly spends anytime on the ground. If she is thirsty, she can wash her face or drink water collected in the hanging tyres. If Amelia is hungry, she can grab leaves from nearby trees. Amelia has things the way she likes them. Wild orangutans spend almost 100% of their time up in the forest canopy, so Amelia has gotten that memo!
Amelia enjoys any fruit given to her and she likes rummaging through enrichment parcels. She doesn’t like to be teased by caregivers though. If you have something, she wants to be given it.
Sometimes she does surprise us and breaks away from her consistent routine. She will grab some fruit and rush up a nearby treeas high as the canopy will allow. Her long arms stretch high as she sits close to the tree trunk. Her long orange hair almost matches the color of the rusty tree bark but is lighter. Amelia looks around and above. Her dark brown eyes sparkle as they reflect the sunlight.
We can’t wait to see how she surprises us next but we will strive to be like Amelia. We will consistently provide for her and give her the opportunities, security and freedom she deserves. Your generous donations allow us to do this. On behalf of Amelia, we thank you.
Click here to download Amelia’s August 2022 Foster Update