There is no denying that Hockey is a very special orangutan. Long before Hockey came to the Care Centre, she had suffered a stroke with attendant partial paralysis. What makes her special is her sweet attitude and her cheerful and attentive nature. But as she grows older, Hockey’s personality is showing a “cheeky side” as well. Hockey knows what she wants and won’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. If she has had enough to eat or is uninterested in playing with one of her caregivers, Hockey will make it known. That being said, Hockey’s sweet nature shines through and charms everyone she meets.
The strengthening exercises and physiotherapy that began some time ago are still ongoing, although not on a daily basis. It was too much for poor Hockey to be taken out every day for physical therapy. She is easily prone to seizures when upset. She was beginning to object to the daily therapy and having more seizures. As a result, Hockey now spends every second day out in the forest getting physical therapy, and other days resting in her sleeping enclosure. However, Hockey’s caregivers have begun to wheel her out into the forest with the infant orangutans every day that she is in her sleeping enclosure. Wheeled out in her signature “gerobak” (Indonesian word meaning ‘cart’) Hockey can lay back, rest, and look up at the trees and the clouds as they pass by. This change of scenery for Hockey is important. In the forest Hockey can not only gaze around at the trees but she is also front and centre of all of the action. She can watch the infant orangutans play and run past her and interact with them.
Hockey always looks forward to meal times, especially on special days when she receives jelly as a snack. Hockey particularly loves banana, now that she has built up enough strength to chew them. Hockey is not only growing in strength but in size as well. Her gentle nature continues to shine through. While Hockey is sweet and amiable with everyone, she has a fierce spirit and refuses to surrender to the challenges she faces.
Hockey continues to receive daily attention and love from her dedicated caregivers. There is hope that as Hockey grows older she will continue to gain more strength in her limbs and hopefully become even more independent!