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Home Page > Foster Updates > Charlie > February 2021 – Charlie

2020 was a difficult year for many but for Charlie it has been a seminal year as he has grown and matured considerably in the last six months. He has wide, watchful eyes and a suitable goatee to match. He demands to be taken seriously and respected. Bringing him to the Learning Forest presents new challenges for the OFI caregivers, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. It takes several caregivers to corral Charlie, as with his maturation has come a new boldness. Charlie now likes to display his dominant side. Upon entering the Learning Forest, he climbs up high to survey the terrain.

After the initial euphoria and excitement of a release dies down, Charlie finds a place to settle himself. Like a King sitting on his throne Charlie waits as his retainers, the caregivers, provide him with leaves and enrichment to investigate and play with. Using his powerful teeth to tear apart rattan balls provided by the enrichment team is a favourite pastime. Charlie likes to push his luck with some of his peers and can be referred to as “nakal” (naughty in Indonesian) by his caregivers. This term also applies to orangutans who are “jokers” and Charlie hasn’t lost his playful side. He still enjoys playing around on the ground and showering in muddy pools with his peers.

Charlie has his favourite caregivers who have been in his life for many years. At one point Charlie finds some forest fruit that resembles a bouquet of flowers and holds it up to his caregivers like a gift. Beneath all this bluster Charlie is still a sweetheart. Pak Denny is able to get Charlie onto his back to take him back after a long day out. Charlie hugs close to him, his eyes still scanning all around him and taking everything onboard that he can. He is sure to keep us on our toes and make sure we’re all doing our jobs properly throughout the rest of the year.

Click here to download Charlie’s February 2021 Foster Update