Home > Get Involved > Leave a Bequest in your Will

Leave a Legacy

Please consider including a bequest/gift to Orangutan Foundation International Australia (OFI Australia) in your Will, thus leaving a legacy of love in your name, which supports and helps us to continue our mission to save orangutans and the other critically endangered species who share their rainforest home.

Such a gift of kindness and generosity is a lasting memorial of your humanity that will support the plight of orangutans for generations to come.

It is probably best to seek legal assistance to ensure your Will is correctly worded and that your instructions are carried out according to your wishes.

Here are suggested clauses to discuss with your estate planner.

You can designate OFI Australia as a:

  • direct beneficiary of specific assets within your estate
  • general beneficiary of a portion or percentage of your estate, or
  • contingent beneficiary of assets designated for loved ones, should they not survive you.

Your bequest to OFI Australia can take any of several forms:

Outright bequest: You may bequeath cash, securities, jewellery, or any other personal property to OFI Australia. Non-cash assets will generally be converted to cash.

Devise of real estate: You can bequeath real estate, land, or buildings to OFI Australia. As a general principle, any real estate bequeathed to OFI Australia will be converted to cash.

Beneficiary designation: You can name OFI Australia as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or bank account.

Trust beneficiary: You can name OFI Australia as either the beneficiary of the income from a trust or beneficiary of a trust at its termination.

Please note: Orangutan Foundation International Australia offers this information as a courtesy to caring individuals. Please contact your solicitor for assistance in preparing and executing a will to carry out your wishes. Your solicitor will require our ABN number which is 71 160 405 103.

 Suggested wording for Wills

For a General Bequest: 

“(A) I give to Orangutan Foundation International Australia (OFI Australia) or any corporation to which the OFI Australia registration is voluntarily transferred, the sum of $……….. [or………%] of my estate, free of State and Federal duties, for general use.

(B) If the gift in (A) cannot take effect completely or at all, to the extent that it cannot take effect, I give it to the charitable organisation or organisations in Australia which my executors consider most nearly fulfils or fulfil the objects I intend to benefit.

(C) The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of the beneficiary organisation is an absolute discharge to my executor(s).”

For a Bequest for a Specified Purpose:

“(A) I give to Orangutan Foundation International Australia (OFI Australia) or any corporation to which the OFI Australia registration is voluntarily transferred the sum of $..….…. [or ………%] of my estate, free of State and Federal duties, to be used for the purpose of …………….….. (name specific purpose either e.g. ‘habitat protection’, ‘rescue and rehabilitation projects’).

(B) If the gift in (A) cannot take effect completely or at all, to the extent that it cannot take effect, I give it to the charitable organisation or organisations in Australia which my executors consider most nearly fulfils or fulfil the objects I intend to benefit.

(C) The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of the beneficiary organisation is an absolute discharge to my executor(s).”

For a Residuary Bequest: 

“(A) I give to Orangutan Foundation International Australia (OFI Australia) or any corporation to which the OFI Australia registration is voluntarily transferred under the whole [or stated fraction] of the residue of my estate, free of State and Federal duties, for general use.

(B) If the gift in (A) cannot take effect completely or at all, to the extent that it cannot take effect, I give it to the charitable organisation or organisations in Australia which my executors consider most nearly fulfils or fulfil the objects I intend to benefit.

(C) The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of the beneficiary organisation is an absolute discharge to my executor(s).”

The Orangutan Legacy Forest

You or your loved ones may be interested in supporting The Orangutan Legacy Forest. Visit our The Orangutan Legacy Forest page for more information.

We’ve recently partnered with Willed

Your impact can live on forever.

We’ve recently partnered with Willed. Willed make it possible to sort your affairs and write a legal Will online in as little as 15 minutes … it’s dead easy!

By generously including a bequest to Orangutan Foundation International Australia in your Will, you’re leaving an invaluable gift that helps us to continue the work we do. It’s a meaningful way to leave behind a lasting legacy of compassion and make a difference in the lives of orangutans.

Every gift, no matter the size, provides valuable funds to support our mission.

Start planning your legacy and write your will for only $159 at http://willed.com.au/ofiaustralia