We are so pleased to introduce you to the latest addition to our foster program… tiny orphan Jojo.
Jojo was brought to OFI’s Orangutan Care Centre & Quarantine in December 2021 when she was just nine months old. According to the Indonesian Forestry Department, she had been kept as an illegal pet for several months. This likely means her mother was killed when she was around four months old, although her “owners” said that Jojo was found on the roadside of a palm oil plantation. This is a sadly all too familiar tale. Upon arrival, Jojo had a swollen nose and elbow but was otherwise healthy. After completing the mandatory 30-day quarantine period, she was taken to the infant nursery at Camp Danielle.
At Camp Danielle, Jojo has left those months in captivity behind as she has been showered with love. She is a confident and very active infant.
Jojo bounds around the playground as if she owns the place – shimmying up ropes and swinging along rafters. When not dive-bombing like a stuntperson, Jojo can be found happily swaying back and forth in one of the tyre hammocks. She is such a bundle of energy that we hope the playground can cope! Jojo is housed with her two orangutan friends, Nani and Giselle. Jojo always wants to know what is going on around her. She chases her playmates and throws herself into the heart of the action.
You can foster Jojo by clicking here