Home > Foster Updates > August 2019 – Amelia

Over the last six months Amelia has settled in nicely at Camp Danielle, OFI’s infant nursery. She has her routine now and her area in the playground where she feels comfortable playing. She may only have short bursts of activity in the forest but that doesn’t mean she isn’t interested in acquiring leaves or branches near the playground. Her caregivers also supply items that draw her out. Sometimes fruits and coconuts are left around for the young orangutans to find. These engage their motor/cognitive functions as they try to open them. Amelia isn’t one to go without, as she grabs one and takes her coconut up to the top of the playground.

Amelia likes to take her items high to inspect at her leisure. You have to make sure you watch your head when she does this, as she is prone to dropping the coconuts she takes up. Some confusion can be caused as in Indonesian head (kepala) and coconut (kelapa) are very similar so… watch out that the kelapa doesn’t hit your kepala!

Amelia is one to keep your eye on, as she always seems to be planning something.  Complacent caregivers can have whatever they are carrying taken out of their hands in a flash. Amelia is testing her limits and seeing what she can get away with. She definitely looks with her hands, not her eyes, collecting and dissecting anything she comes across with scientific interest.

Just when you least expect it, Amelia has bursts of energy and moves as quick as a proton in a particle accelerator. She drops down from her perch atop the playground and scurries across the ground to jump into a big mud puddle. Young male orangutan Kuba ecstatically joins her. He can usually be seen nipping at Amelia’s heels trying to engage her in a little tussle. Amelia turns and invites him over for play. She enjoys interacting with the smaller orangutans as she is more at ease with them.

Amelia is going at her own pace and her caregivers are happy to let her do so. Hopefully, with time, she will branch out further into the Learning Forest as she grows and gains in confidence. We look forward to keeping you updated on her progress.

Click here to download Amelia’s August 2019 Foster Update