Home > Foster Updates > Crystal > August 2022 – Crystal

Seeing Crystal bouncing around the nets of the Camp Danielle playground can’t help bring to mind the time when she was much younger. When her caregivers first placed her on those same nets, Crystal was so stunned that she did not move at all. Nowadays it’s all we can do to make her stay still. Crystal’s face is strong and determined. Her hair bursts forth from her head like a lion’s mane. She is a forthright individual who accepts no nonsense.

Crystal has many new playmates as she is no longer the new girl in town. She shares her sleeping enclosure with her constant companion Vida. Crystal can normally be found in the forest with Vida alongside her other orangutan playmates Mikey, Roderick, and Ryan Reynolds (yes that’s his name). We also have “Penelope Cruz” at the Care Centre, just so you know!

Crystal isn’t shy about welcoming newcomers. She approaches everybody with a curious mind and an open heart. However, Crystal is a little more cautious around some of the bigger orangutans.

Crystal sticks close to the playground, playing in the tyres and splashing in the puddles. She also enjoys sampling wild fruits from the nearby trees. She enjoys all fruit given to her with one exception. Crystal never cared for papaya but has now steadily accepted it as part of her diet. She has a lot of flavours and tastes to adjust, to so we are super happy to see her doing this. She doesn’t reject any type of food but sometimes tastes new food gingerly, including ginger.

As for climbing, Crystal normally doesn’t venture too high. She stays a few metres from the ground, but on occasion has been spotted ten metres up a tree. When she has had enough playtime Crystal enjoys curling up in one of the playground blue barrels to have a rest. Crystal has come along in leaps and bounds over the last six months. It’s a joy to watch her progress and we can’t wait to see what is next.

Click here to download Crystal’s August 2022 Foster Update