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Home > Foster Updates > Kobe > February 2017 – Kobe

There has been no sign of dampening in Kobe’s love for climbing during daily releases. Over the months she has continued to improve skills and techniques for this important activity. This also includes her nest-building abilities. It is also quite possible that she is the most adept and confident climber and nest builder among her infant peers.

Her eagerness to get that first grip on the branches in the canopy has not ceased. With her enthusiasm there has come a revelation that the quickest way she can reach the trees from the playground is by somersaulting all the way! Aided with this knowledge, she will not fail to do so at the start of every release. It’s a daily adventure.

Kobe’s passion for climbing has developed as a result of her understanding of the climbing process. Whilst her peers at times miscalculate a branch’s ability to withstand their weight and topple down unharmed, Kobe will continue to brachiate from one vine or branch to the next making it look particularly effortless. Combined with this locomotor expertise, Kobe also has an increasingly extensive knowledge of the favourite food items that the forest has to offer. She is particularly fond of cambium found in tree bark. It is no surprise that many of her peers continue to copy and follow in her footsteps when selecting leaves, fruits, and bark to eat.

Kobe’s love for time spent in the trees is endless. Over the months it has become harder to coax her back to the forest floor once the daily release has come to an end. There have been instances where staff have climbed up into the trees to encourage her to return for the day! Though Kobe may not be the most cooperative in returning to her sleeping enclosure after a release, her independence and confidence in the forest is inspiring to her peers, and encouraging for the caregivers.

We look forward to her building upon her ever-increasing talents in the forest as she grows.

Click here to download Kobe’s February 2017 Foster Update